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How Durable Is Western Red Cedar Siding?

Updated: Mar 21, 2024

Siding in and of itself is an essential part of the exterior of any home. With the exterior of most homes being put together by wooden planks, you are going to want said planks to last as long as possible without being replaced.

Western red siding accomplishes exactly that by providing the right kinds of finishing touches on the exterior of your home to prevent damage other than wear and tear.

It just so happens that western red cedar siding is more durable than many give it credit for. That’s why today, we’re going to answer a common question we get - how durable is western red cedar siding? And is there anything you can do to increase the durability to extend its life?

The more you learn about western red cedar siding, the more you will get out of it. In fact, if you maintain cedar siding the right way, chances are good that you will not need to be concerned about replacing siding anytime soon.

Understanding exactly what siding does and its function will also allow you to get the most out of it. So, let’s start there before addressing how durable western red cedar siding is.

What Exactly Is Siding?

Anyone who does not have a lot of experience in designing home exteriors can be confused as to what siding actually does for the material that actually makes up the exterior of your home.

Siding in and of itself accomplishes a couple of things. First, it generally holds planks together. You see, whatever the exterior of your home is made of cannot be held together by one single piece. It takes several planks to hold it all together. Siding helps accomplish that.

The second thing siding does is that it directly protects the exterior of your home from rot, warping, and pests. In the case of western red cedar siding, it will also improve the insulation of your home to some degree.

Those are the functions of the siding as a whole. When it comes to using western red cedar as a siding, there are a few other things that you need to know that will help you.

Can You Use Western Red Cedar As Siding?

The short answer is yes - you can use western red cedar as siding. In fact, this is a great way to build a strong, protected home or building. But there are some things you need to know. There is a difference between applying traditional siding and applying western red cedar as siding.

Proper installation starts with proper measurement. You need to space the planks that use western red cedar siding properly. And, you need to carefully tighten the siding in place to prevent warping.

While western red cedar does prevent warping more than other kinds of siding, it will warp if you install planks too tightly. Compared to traditional siding, you’ll need to be a little more careful with western red cedar.

If you are not comfortable doing any of this yourself, you can always recruit a contractor who is an expert at installing siding.

All of this is well and good, but a burning question you probably have on your mind is how durable is western red cedar siding?

You’re about to find out.

How Durable Is Western Red Cedar Siding?

There is no question as to how durable western red siding is. It’s incredibly durable. The only question is how much more durable it is compared to traditional siding.

Even if you maintain traditional siding perfectly, you’ll be lucky if it doesn’t need to be replaced in 20 years. And if you live in an area with greater moisture than normal? You’re looking at 15 years at the max.

Siding made from materials other than red cedar can and will warp from moisture. But it takes a lot of moisture from the elements to get western red cedar to warp. In order for western red cedar to warp at the rate that its counterparts do, it would need to rain constantly for weeks on end.

Some make the very costly mistake of using reinforced vinyl plastic as siding, thinking that they will not need to worry about wood rot. Then they wonder why said siding cracks and warps all over the place.

If you’re looking to make life easy on yourself and enjoy a beautiful home exterior for the long haul, stick with western red cedar siding. As you can see, western red cedar siding is incredibly durable. But there are also a couple of other benefits to it as well.

What Are Some Of The Other Benefits Of Western Red Cedar Siding?

One of the most problematic aspects of any kind of exterior siding has to do with pests affecting the exterior. Indeed, termites and carpenter bees can make more than a few nests in the exterior of your home.

This does not happen nearly as much when it comes to western red cedar siding. This is due to its incredible exterior durability. It’s naturally resistant to not just rot and decay - but pests, too!

Most exterior siding looks incredibly boring. This is not the case with western red cedar siding, as it naturally looks very appealing.

It is also much easier to maintain western red cedar siding. Although you may need a contractor to install it for you, you certainly won’t need one to maintain it. All things considered, using cedar siding is a no-brainer investment in the durability of your home. And if you’re ready to upgrade your siding today, there is just one place to shop: Quality Cedar Products.

How Durable Is Cedar Siding? Wrapping Things Up

If you are looking for siding that will last you nearly twice as long as traditional siding, look no further than cedar siding.

The overall durability of cedar siding cannot be beaten. And in the case of western red cedar siding, you’ll not only improve the appearance of your home’s exterior but you’ll also enjoy resistance to common wood-loving pests. Not only that, but cedar siding is not prone to warping as other kinds of siding are. But to truly enjoy all these benefits, you need the best of the best when it comes to cedar lumber. And that’s just what you’ll find at Quality Cedar Products.

At Quality Cedar Products, you’ll find the top selection of western red cedar lumber for you to choose from. Whether you’re a builder looking for supply, a homeowner looking to revamp your house, or even a lumber store looking for inventory - we’re here to help.

From western red cedar siding to tongue and groove cedar, sauna cedar, and everything else you may need. Through our wholesale cedar program, you get not only the best cedar grades - but the best prices and service, too.

What more could you ask for? Shop now and get the most durable cedar siding available throughout Canada.

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